When you think of Center City District mostly you think of Center City Sips or Center City Restaurant Week, right?
Well there’s a lot more to CCDP and our trivia this month is:
Which of the following does CCDP not host?
A. Ice Skating
B. Fitness Classes
C. Quizzo
D. Cocktail Nights
Answer? It’s a bit of a trick, the answer is NONE: Center City District offers all of these and so much more throughout the year!
Currently they host the ice skating at Dilworth Plaza while the weather is still cold! And if you’ve ever been, you’ve probably noticed there’s a cabin right beside the rink. This is where you can warm up after skating or if you aren’t into ice skating but you like cocktails or quiz, the cabin is your place! They host both these events at the cabin during the cooler months. They also put on fitness classes – more typical in the spring and summer months but there’s also ice skating fitness classes being held on the rink once a week.
To see what all of these are about and even what else they offer, check out their site here!
Courtesy Of Phillyliving.com
Philly Trivia: Center City District Parks Events – The Philly Apartment Company
January 27, 2019 at 10:06 am
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